Welcome to Prana Place where we focus on creating positive experiences for pregnancy, birth and motherhood through our Hypnobirthing Australia Program™ and the wonderful world of yoga.
“A grand adventure is about to begin” – Winnie the Pooh
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a unique childbirth education program. It focuses on creating a positive birth experience for mother, birth partner and baby. We empower mothers and birth partners through knowledge, education and preparation, which in turn allows informed decisions to be made pre, during and after the birth of your baby.
Hypnobirthing assists in creating a calm, relaxed, supportive and safe environment to birth. We incorporate breathing techniques, visualization and self-hypnosis.
We plan for the expected and allow for the unexpected.
Ultimately we want to create positive, loving and cherished memories for all involved.
Other Benefits of Hypnobirthing